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We live in Community

Ellen King Rice

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

With the Naked Comes A Fungus project, we are functioning as a vibrant community. Writers are contributing their time to entertain or enlighten us. Readers are learning about some of the diversity in word-smithing and mycology that surrounds us here in the South Sound. Above all, we can work to connect people's resources to animals in need. Feline Friends has a number of cats who need loving homes. Some of the animals have special needs and require extra care. All of us can help out by supporting the rescue/rehoming process by kicking in a few bucks to buy sustenance kibble.

What can visitors do?

Enjoy the Naked Came a Fungus blog posts this winter. Return often! Learn about writers or fungi (or both!) that are new to you. Help us get the word out about this . . . unusual. . . winter fundraiser by posting links to the project on your social media or by other sharing. Click the Donate button and follow through with a Paypal donation when you can.

Recap - How to participate with

Naked Comes a Fungus

Check in and enjoy a blog post. Very easy!

Please post a link to a blog posting you like on your social media outlets - or tell a friend how to find us.

Return here frequently to learn more about our area mycology and our local talented writers. Check out their links!

Report problems or make suggestions via email to:

Click the Donate button!

Follow through with a donation to Feline Friends when you can. (Donate button on upper right. Or go to

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1 comentário

06 de jan. de 2020

I really like the web site. The pictures are enticing and I like the whimsy.

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